Did you know that endangered sea turtles like to make our beaches their "top destination" during nesting season? Here are a few tips to be sea turtle friendly.
Tips for Being Sea Turtle Friendly
- Avoid using flashlights or flash photography on the beach at night.
- Turn off outside patio lights and shield indoor lights from shining onto the beach at night.
- Do not disturb sea turtle nests.
- Leave sea turtle tracks undisturbed.
- Do not leave trash on the beach.
- Volunteer and Adopt-a-Nest.
Turtle Tidbits
- Sea Turtle Nesting Season is May 1 - October 31
- Three species of sea turtles nest on Alabama’s Gulf Coast: Green, Kemp’s Ridley and Loggerhead
- Sea Turtles are protected by the Endangered Species Act. It is against the law to disturb nesting sea turtles, hatchlings, or their nests.
- Sea turtles first appeared about 200 million years ago when dinosaurs still roamed the earth. Sea turtles, the last of the ancient reptiles, are like living fossils.
- Female sea turtles lay an average of 100 leathery, ping-pong-size eggs at a time. Only a few young turtles, however, will make it to adulthood.
- Hatchling sea turtles find their way to the Gulf waters by moonlight or starlight.
- Building lights along the shore may confuse the baby sea turtles, drawing them away from the water.
- Adult loggerhead sea turtles weigh between 175 and 350 pounds. Baby hatchlings weigh only one to two ounces.
- Sea turtle egg incubation period is 55 to 75 days. Most hatchlings emerge together in an “eruption” of babies from the nest.
To learn more about Alabama's Share the Beach project, click here to visit their website.