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loggerhead sea turtle
27 Jun 2019
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Sea Turtles come to Coastal Alabama beaches every year from the month of May to October to nest and lay their eggs. These sea turtles are an endangered species and it is very important to adhere to the guidelines to protect our sea turtles.  

Sea Turtle Safety Guidelines

  • Never disturb a sea turtle nest
  • Do not touch hatchlings
  • Do not use flash photography on the beach at night 
  • Avoid using flashlights on the beach after dark
  • Remove all beach gear and trash from the beach each night
  • Do not dig large holes in the sand
  • Report any concerns to 866.732.8878

Only trained volunteers are authorized to guide and/or assist hatchlings. Sea turtles are attracted to the light and become disoriented while following nature's moonlight or starlight. Sea turtles can become entangled by miscellaneous beach equipment and become trapped in large holes in the sand that tourist have dug and left uncovered.  So its very impartive to remove beach toys and refill any holes.  

To learn more about our endangered sea turtles visit Alabama's Sea Turtle Conservation Program. Here you can learn more about our marine freinds and maybe even become a volunteer.